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- World News v1.0
- Copyright 1996-98 Toysoft Development Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- eMail: danny@toysoft-dev.com
- URL: http://www.toysoft-dev.com
- Minimum Requirements:
- --------------------
- - Any Amiga with WB 3.1
- - HD is highly recommended
- - MUI 3.2 or higher
- - AmiTCP v4.0 or greater, Miami or TermiteTCP
- - 14.4K modem
- Recommened Requirements
- -----------------------
- - Workbench 3.1
- - Hard Drive
- - MUI 3.8
- - Miami v3.0
- - 28.8k modem
- - Cybervision 64/3D
- - 030 CPU
- What to do now?
- ---------------
- Sorry don't have time to write detailed docs but the commerical
- release does ;-)
- To Begin
- ---------
- Double click on the WNewsInstall program before running World News.
- ***** NOTE *****
- The Install program installs the entire news group for you. The news
- group was downloaded March 20, 1998. If you want a newer news group
- then do the following steps. If you are happy with it then do step
- 1 and 2 and skip to step 5.
- Configuration
- -------------
- Follow these steps to get World News working.
- 1. Run World News
- 2. Click on the 'Prefs' button to configure your environment.
- There are currently three Pref settings more to come.
- - Here you setup the SMTP for mailing, NNTP for the news server, and
- your ISP information
- b. Paths
- - It is very important that you setup the paths correctly because
- World News uses these paths for storing and reading articles.
- - Enter the UU and/or MIME program for decoding files.
- c. Options
- - General options for now. More to be added later.
- Important: If you want to use Air Mail Pro's Address Book and
- Helpers then click 'Use Air Mail Prefs' option.
- d. Helpers
- - Helpers programs with viewing pictures, play sound etc...
- e. Articles
- - Controls the number of articles to retrieve at one time.
- - Skip read articles.
- f. World Wide Web
- g. Spam
- 3. Once you have configured the paths its time to get the news groups.
- Please do this step. It's the most important part and you will only
- require to do this once.
- - From the Menu select 'Groups' and then select 'Get ALL Groups' menu
- item. This will connect to the news server and will retrieve the
- entire news groups.
- It took me almost 25 minutes at 14.4K to download 1.2megs news group
- names only!!!
- At anytime you can select 'Cancel' but I don't advise you to do that
- because you will always need a complete news group.
- - Once World News finishes retrieving the news group it will do the
- following.
- a. Reorganize the news groups because they are not always sorted.
- b. Will create an index for fast retrieval.
- 4. When World News is done with the retrieval of news group names select
- 'Edit Group' from the menu. This will open the Edit User Group window.
- You can also select the 'Edit Group' button.
- The way World News works is group oriented. You can create a group
- for anything you want. Eg: Amiga, Programming, Jokes etc.. World News
- supports unlimited groups.
- The window is divided into three listviews.
- Left ListView (Group Access)
- ----------------------------
- Contains a Alpha listing. When you click on an alpha World News will
- retrieve all the news groups that belongs to that particalar alpha.
- Eg: if you select 'D' you will get all the news group names in the
- middle listview starting with the letter 'd'
- If you find the group is very large eg: A then you can select the
- Cancel button.
- Middle ListView (Current News Groups)
- ------------------------------------
- Contains the actual news group names. You can scroll thru them and
- drag and drop an item to the right listview.
- Right ListView (Editing New Groups)
- -----------------------------------
- Contains the current news group. This is your selected News Group you
- want to subscribe.
- To add a news group to the list drag and drop an group name from the middle
- listview to the right listview. You should see the right listview active.
- To remove a news group from the right listview simple drag and drop the
- news group name to the middle listview. You can also use the 'Delete'
- button.
- To save a news group, select the Save button and then enter a filename
- from the ASL file requester.
- Buttons
- -------
- Save - save the current news group to disk.
- Open - open a previously saved news group.
- Delete - delete the selected news item on the right listview.
- Clear - clear the right listview.
- Cancel - close the window.
- 5. When you have created a news group you can now use it. Select the
- 'Open Groups' item from the 'Groups' menu or select the 'Open Group'
- button.
- This will open a window listing all the news group you have created so
- far. To open a news group simply double click on the item or select
- the news group and click on the 'Open' button.
- If you want to add a new News Group then you can just type in the
- Name: string gadget and then select the Save button to add it.
- 6. When you open a news group another window is opened listing all actual
- news group names. If you are connected to the news server World News
- will try to get a count of all the articles in each news group.
- To see the contents of each group just double click on the news group.
- World News will now get all the article headings.
- You can select 'Cancel' at any point during the retrieval of headers.
- 7. When you have some article headers you can now read the each article.
- Just double click on the item and World News will load it into the
- editor.
- In the Tools menu there are two options. These options deals with
- the Article Cache and Read article database.
- If you have not read a news group etc. comp.sys.amiga.applications
- for a couple of days, it is a good idea to delete the cache. You can
- do that when you open the news group.
- If you do not maintain the Read Article database it will get big and
- will slow down getting article headers. You should delete it once
- a week.
- Articles within each news groups changes everyday and the article cache
- may not be in sync with the server. The cache is only valid for one or
- two days. You can experiment with it and see what happens if you try
- to read a article from an old cache.
- Here are the current features.
- ------------------------------
- - Up to 10 windows can be opened for each for:
- - User Groups
- - Article Heading listing
- - Reading articles
- - Posting
- - Reply to articles
- - Decode encoded articles using uuxt3.1 and/or MIME.
- - Display files using Helper files
- - Defered connection at startup. World News will automatically connects
- to the server when you request communication.
- - Address Book
- Can use Air Mail Pro's address book
- - Import Articles to Air Mail Pro will later reading and personal reply.
- - File selected articles into Folders for offline reading/replying/posting.
- - General and Spam filters
- - Get only news articles since last visited
- - Double clicking on an URL will start your web browser
- - Get only new articles and jump to any article in the newsgroup